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Hey, y’all!

Welcome to my corner of the internet! You’ll find me here telling my story, teaching about wellness, and talking about life & motherhood. I hope you leave this space feeling seen, met, and encouraged!

cultivate wellness: it's not easy being green 

I wanted to start a series on how I cultivate wellness in our home and post some of the recipes I've shared on Instagram.I love the Michael Pollen quote as I'm sure I've shared here“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”We don't have a certain plan or tag line or category for how we eat, but one of the things that I try to do, and help my family to do is to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible.One of the ways that I do this is to incorporate greens into every meal if I can, and yes I mean every meal, I'll explain. Dark leafy greens are one of the most nutritious things you can eat packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Just eat them.I like salads, but in a goldilocks way. They have to be just right, chopped just right, dressing just right, crunchiness just right and sometimes I'm not in the mood for that. Can't you tell how low maintenance I am?! Ha!Here are some of the ways that we add greens to our days:+ Smoothiesimg_9511When we are in a good routine, i.e. I don't have a broken ankle, we have smoothies at our house everyday. Usually for breakfast, sometimes for an afternoon or evening snack. We always include dark leafy greens, spinach or a green mix, and if having it for breakfast we add Vega Protein and Greens which adds two more servings. My two year old darlin asks for smoothies every day!My two favorite go-to's for recipes are Simple Green Smoothies and Hummusapien.+ Egg MuffinsEgg muffins are a tasty way to add greens. This is my all-time favorite recipe, I don't use mushrooms and use fresh spinach instead of frozen, because hello, Costco. Here is another great recipe from my frand and business mentor, check out her blog! Fritattas would also be an awesome way to add greens but sometimes I don't have that much time to make something that I had to Google how to spell. I've also heard of people blending greens with eggs before cooking which I really want to try, but my darlin would have something to say about that.+ MeatballsThis, and pretty much all of these ideas, fall under hide 'em in everything you can. These turkey quinoa spinach meatballs  are my absolute favorite. I sub almond flour for the bread crumbs and used basil oil last time and they were delicious! I also found this recipe for meatloaf bites (please ignore that horrid name) that I someone else will cook in the next few weeks and will add greens.+ Pasta PrimaveraWho doesn't love pasta? If you don't, I'm sorry we can't be friends. I try to use options that are 100% whole wheat or not wheat at all (Trader Joes quinoa and rice pasta is my favorite. Hurry up and get to nola!) or I love Young Living's Einkorn spaghetti. I digress. I have been mixing in all kinds of vegetables to tomato sauce, hello Vitamix, and blending in peppers and greens and it's received with "more please!"So these are some of the ways that we add greens to our day. I started this month taking a supplement called Multigreens which is lovingly referred to as salad in a bottle. You can also add the contents of the capsules to smoothies which I'll try for my darlin.Is it easy for you to be green? How do you find ways to add greens to your day? Share!

_________ is the thief of joy: discouragement

miss e makes: 6 months; best laid plans