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Hey, y’all!

Welcome to my corner of the internet! You’ll find me here telling my story, teaching about wellness, and talking about life & motherhood. I hope you leave this space feeling seen, met, and encouraged!

miss e makes: 6 months; best laid plans 

Lesterday (as my darlin one says) I broke my leg and ankle in three places. How is that for a soft introduction? I was carrying too much, going too fast, and fell off a ramp in my parking lot after work trying to get home to my girls.Before yesterday at 3:20 pm it felt like I was on the cusp of a season of productivity. My birthday is always my new year for resolutions and I had very big plans for all that I was going to accomplish. I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel of living my life at such a ridiculous level of intensity and I can taste the floodgates of freedom. I had every intention to push hard into the next few months to get to where I wanted to be. Obviously things aren't going according to that plan.I have been learning so much lately through opportunities to talk with a mental health specialist (highly recommend), through a business leadership course I've been doing and a whole lot of self-reflection and prayer on the level of intensity at which I live and the impossible ridiculous standards I hold myself to. The themes that have been ringing the truest are progress not perfection, the importance of emotionally refueling, and quality over quantity in my work, relationships, motherhood, etc. So essentially, I'm about to get a big real life crash course in all of those things.On it's face, which I was in that parking lot yesterday, this is really terrible. I'm not going to pretend that it's not. However (the polite word for BUT), I am finding great freedom in being grateful for this situation. I'm not trying to sound glass half full (hello, people that's not my natural instinct) or trite, but I'm trying out this whole gratitude thing. To be grateful for this situation that I know will be worked out for my good.Instead of pushing with intensity into this time I will be pushing into it in a different way. I will be using concentrated time to finish my dissertation, and write more here in this space, and teach more (online I guess?!) about essential oils . I am going to have to let go of that long to do list and the ways I like things done and alllll the unnecessary things that I've added to my plate. Let's consider this situation a life detox if you will.So if you're out there reading this, hello is anyone out there? (Just watched Julie and Julia, one of my favorite movies this weekend) I'd love to hear what you'd like me to write about. (That is if you actually enjoy my writing, but you wouldn't have gotten this far if you didn't right?). I want to share about how we cultivate wellness in our home, and how becoming a mama has changed me, and all things nutrition and maternal and child health, so fire away. And please send me emails, texts, Facebook messages, questions, ideas as I will be non-mobile and isolated for the foreseeable future.Thank you for taking time to read my heart and look at pictures of my darlins.

cultivate wellness: it's not easy being green 

miss e makes: 5 months; great expectations

miss e makes: 5 months; great expectations