miss e makes: one month
in new orleans for whatever reason you aren't an age, you don't turn an age, you make one. so ellie made one month! with MF i did an elaborate monthly picture, this time i bought some stickers and called it a day, and i love it!this lady is sweet, go with the flow, and full of joy. she starting trying to hold her head up at one week. smiled at her sister at two weeks. at one month was trying to roll over.
she's already wearing 3 month clothes (and 6 month sleepers insert crying face emoji here.) at 3 weeks she was 10 lb 9 oz and over 22 inches. she coos at her mama and loves, loves, baths.
but i think her most favorite thing is undeniably her big sister.
everyone comments on her hair, her cheeks, and how adorable she is. i can't say i disagree.i decided to find something to take her picture with each month to compare her size, however i didn't take into consideration that what i picked would grow too.
this sweet nugg is so easy going (just like her daddy) and perfectly balances out the other two people in our family, not to be named, who are not so easy going.miss e, we already love you to the moon and back.