What I'm Reading in 2020
I love books. I collect books.
I get it honest and come from a long line of book lovers, and we have probably hundreds of children’s books stuffed in baskets and bins and shelves in our house because I want my children to love to read too.
I’m also a serial reader, and at any given time I’m “reading” about 5-6 books. My friend Tiffany likes to say “a buffet of books” and that’s 100% me.
In the past, I’ve set unrealistic goals for the number of books I want to read considering I work full time and have 3 small people to nurture so this year I did two things.
1) I set a realistic goal for the number of books I want to read and if I go over that great.
2) I can’t buy any books this year. Gasp. I have so many books I own I haven’t read, I have Audible credits to use, and hello, a library card. So no purchasing new books this year (except for those I’ve already preordered). Or maybe I can ask for them for gifts, I can’t help myself!
I want to read 20 books this year and for me, that’s a doable but still challenging goal.
Admittedly, I don’t love fiction, well most fiction. One of my favorite books I read last year was a novel, but in general, I prefer personal/spiritual development or business books and memoirs.
Here is what’s on my shelf in 2020 and I intentionally only have 15 books on this list to leave room for that wonderful novel everyone is recommending or other suggestions that come my way.
I’d love to know what’s on your list, and you can follow me over on Goodreads when I remember to update it!
Becoming Us: Using the Enneagram to Create a Thriving Gospel-Centered Marriage
Emptied: Experiencing the Fullness of a Poured out Marriage
Personal/Spiritual Development
It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way