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Hey, y’all!

Welcome to my corner of the internet! You’ll find me here telling my story, teaching about wellness, and talking about life & motherhood. I hope you leave this space feeling seen, met, and encouraged!

miss e makes: two months

miss e makes: two months


miss e's second month was extraordinarily special. she spent the majority of it with her great-grandmother, and i do mean with.IMG_7338it was almost like we could watch her grow over the weeks as she got longer in nana's lap. IMG_7334if you spend any amount of time with me, you will know how much i love, admire, and respect my nana. she's one of the most godly, generous, loving, intelligent, gentle people i know.DSC_0245 she has a phd in biochemistry, has visited 30 something odd countries, helped to start an orphanage in india, and has a legacy all over the world. but if you ask her what her greatest accomplishment is, she will say her family.  IMG_7485we started this tradition of her coming down for a few weeks when MF was born. for the rest of my life i will treasure the deep, candid conversations we have and watching her love my girls.IMG_7514IMG_7513IMG_7509needless to say, nana and ellie bonded over her second month. as i watched them i realized that they have such similar spirits, gentle and constant. two beautiful traits that i am thankful to have examples of in generations above and below me.


we had lots of sister snuggles, smiles, first shots, and sleeping on mama while i started doing work from home.

some other sweet things that we are noticing about our girl is that she doesn't really like crowds, but loves one-on-one time, thats when we can get the best smiles, coos, and laughs now from her. i melt.


but the girl is LOUD and so engaged, she's going to hold her own with her older sister who loves her fiercely.


i will probably say this every month about her, but this little girl is a true joy who brightens our days and brings so much joy to each of us in different ways.

smiling after two shots, nothing is going to get this girl down. miss e, you are my predictable, gentle constant. my baby doll, my sleeper (for now :)) my beautiful baby girl. your relaxed demeanor gives me so much confidence as a mama and i have so much to learn from you.DSC_0330

it's not too late and you're never too far. #powersheets

escaping perfectionism: popcorn, pajamas at the park, and a parking lot pumpkin patch

escaping perfectionism: popcorn, pajamas at the park, and a parking lot pumpkin patch